2024 International Conference on Intelligent Education and Computer Technology(IECT 2024)
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Prof.Benjamin W.Wah

IEEE&ACM Fellow, CUHK, China

Benjamin W. Wah is a Research Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Franklin W. Woeltge Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Previously, he served as the Provost and Wei Lun Professor of Computer Science and Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as the Franklin W. Woeltge Endowed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of the Coordinated Science Laboratory of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Wah received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, CA, in 1979. He has received many awards for his research and service contributions, including the IEEE-CS W. Wallace-McDowell Award (2006), the IEEE-CS Richard E. Merwin Award (2007), the IEEE-CS Tsutomu Kanai Award (2009), the Distinguished Alumni Award in Computer Science of the University of California, Berkeley (2011), and the Bronze Bauhinia Star of the Hong Kong Self Administrative Region (2021). Wah's research interests are nonlinear search and optimization, multimedia technologies, and artificial intelligence. Wah co-founded the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering in 1988 and served as its Editor-in-Chief between 1993 and 1996. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence and the Honorary Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge and Information Systems. In addition, Wah served the IEEE Computer Society in various capacities, including Vice President for Publications (1998 and 1999) and President (2001). He is a Fellow of the AAAS, ACM, and IEEE.

Research field: Nonlinear search and optimization, Multimedia technologies and artificial intelligence 


Prof. Shuai Liu

HunanNormal University,China

EAI Fellow

Liu Shuai, male, born in 1982, Professor, Ph.D, Doctoral supervisor. His main research directions are intelligent educational technology, educationalinformation processing, etc.

Professor Liu Shuai presided over and participated in the completion of several national science/social science funds, published more than 80 high-level papers in such journals as Inf Fus, Inf Sci, IEEE TFS/TMM/TITS/Re, and IEEE IOTJ, and was cited more than 6000 times in total. He was selected into the 2021-2023 World Top 2% Scientists List (Stanford University), and the papers were awarded the 2021 China's 100 Most Influential International Journal Papers (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, 2022), etc.

Professor Liu Shuai is an EAI Fellow, an outstanding member of the China Computer Federation, a senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, a member of the CCF Education Special Committee, a director of the Hunan Computer Society/Artificial Intelligence Society, and a deputy director of the Education Working Committee of the Hunan Artificial Intelligence Society.

Research field: Intelligent educational technology, Educational information processing, etc.


Prof. Eric Y.H. TSUI

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Professor Eric Tsui is the professor of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Associate Director of Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Eric Tsui joined Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) in 1989 after years of academic research in automated knowledge acquisition, natural language processing, case-based reasoning and knowledge engineering and tools. His research was supported by grants and scholarships from Arthur Young, Rank Xerox, CSC, Graphic Directions and the Australian Research Council. He was also a gratis visitor to Microsoft Research in February, 2000. Between August 2000 and January 2005, he assumed the roles of Chief Research Officer, Asia Pacific for CSC as well as Innovation Manager at Australian Mutual Provident (Australia) and Maybank (Malaysia). During his tenure at CSC, he made significant contributions to CSC's expert systems products, applied research and innovation programmes. A recipient of several international awards in Knowledge Management and E-Learning, Professor Tsui has B.Sc (Hons.), PhD and MBA qualifications.

Research field: Automated knowledge acquisition, Natural language processing, Case-based reasoning, and knowledge engineering and tools,etc.


Assciate Prof. Fang Xu

Nantong University, China

Xu Fang is an associate professor and master's tutor at the College of Educational Sciences, Nantong University, engaged in the research of education digitalisation and artificial intelligence education. He has published more than 60 academic papers in domestic and international journals, including 1 SSCI source journal and 15 CSSCI source journals as the first author, and 6 academic monographs in Science Press, People's Publishing House, China Social Science Publishing House, and Jilin University Press. He has presided over more than 20 general projects, including the National Social Science Foundation, key projects of the National Education Examination Scientific Research Planning Project, the Online Education Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, the Social Science Foundation of Henan Province, the Key Research and Development and Promotion Programme of Henan Province (soft science projects), and the Social Science Foundation of Gansu Province, etc. He has won 11 awards, including the first prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award of Henan Province Education Science Planning, and the second prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award of Gansu Colleges and Universities. He is now a reviewer for several CSSCI and SSCI source journals, such as Open Education Research, Modern Distance Education Research, Journal of Distance Education and Current Psychology.

Research field: Education Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence Education


Prof.Jiyou Jia

Beijing University, China

Jia Jiyou, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Head of Department of Educational Technology, College of Education, Peking University, Director of International Research Centre for Education Informatisation, Peking University. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Education, Technical University of Munich, Germany (2015), and the Open University of Hong Kong (2017). Ministry of Education New Century Outstanding Talents Support Programme (2009). Bachelor of Science, Master of Education, Peking University, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Augsburg, Germany.

Research field: Educational technology, Artificial intelligence educational applications, Computer-assisted language teaching and Educational decision support systems.

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Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Rustam Shadiev earned his Ph.D. in Network Learning Technology from National Central University in 2012. He is currently a Tenured Professor at the College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, specializing in advanced learning technologies for language learning and cross-cultural education. Prof. Shadiev is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In 2019, he was honored with the title of Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Province, China. Further, he has been recognized as one of the most cited Chinese researchers in the field of education by Elsevier, Scopus, and Shanghai Rating for four consecutive years, from 2020 to 2023.

Research areas: Advanced learning technology, Speech to text recognition technology, computer aided translation, multimedia learning systems, multi-touch technology, intercultural education and language learning, mobile assisted learning, open and distance learning, etc.



Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Michael Agyemang Adarkwah is a Research Associate (Postdoctoral) at the Institute for Education and Culture, Chair of Adult Education, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. He served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Smart Learning Institute, Beijing Normal University (BNU), China. He obtained his Ph.D. in Education Leadership and Management from Southwest University, China. He has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and has worked as a Registered Nurse (RGN) in Ghana. He has given keynote speeches on Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education at the University of Portsmouth-Kaplan Symposium and the University of Ghana. His research interests are teaching and learning, motivation, assessment, digitalization, computers and education, adult education, special education, linguistics, and healthcare education. He has Edited three Springer books on Design in Education, Educational Robotics, and AI in Education (AIED). He is an International Peer Reviewer and is part of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA), the International Journal of Modern Education Studies (IJONMES), and Social Education Research (SER). He served as a Guest Editor for the International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning. He is an Associate Editor for SN Social Sciences. 

Research field: Teaching and learning, motivation, Assessment, Digitalization, Computers and education, Adult education, Special education, Linguistics, and healthcare education.